Saturday, October 2, 2010

Turning a Raw Food Diet Into a Lifestyle

When changing to a raw food diet, you may feel like your whole world is turning upside down. Changing to this food diet means getting rid of fried foods, fast food and even certain drinks you are used to having. Here are a few tips on changing to a raw food diet.

Rules of the Road for Changing to a Raw Food Diet
1. Throw out all canned foods that you would normally eat at meals. This includes vegetables and soups, as they have additives and preservatives that are not allowed in the raw food diet.
2. When shopping for groceries, only buy fresh produce and fruits. Only buy a few days' worth at a time so they do not go bad before you are able to eat them. This is especially true for items such as squash and cucumbers that are set out and not refrigerated.
3. Clean all of your diet foods personally before refrigerating or storing them. It is best to make salads only when you are going to eat them, not before hand as they can wilt and lose nutrients.
4. Use your crisper to keep foods such as lettuce, cabbage and tomatoes fresh longer. Try to keep them in plastic bags to help seal in freshness.

There are many changes you will make changing to a new diet, but if you are really willing to put yourself on the diet to lose weight in the long run, it is best to try to adhere to the rules early on. If you allow yourself to cheat even the slightest bit, you set yourself back to the beginning of your program and have to start again. Self control is key as well as having the proper raw foods available when you get a craving.
Do you want to detox your body to lose weight and maintain your health? Get tips about a natural detox and a detox diet today!

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